Amish Family Pantry

Thursday, January 3, 2008

A little more back story!

A little back story- When I came up with this idea about 2 years ago, my partner and I started working towards it and were hitting many roadblocks. Like I referenced before, there were a couple times when we were tempted to throw in the towel.

It was during one of these points that I went to church like I usually do on the weekend. I almost skipped. They said the week before that they were going to show a video of Bono. One of my concerns with this church in the past was that they had gone commercial, and lost their focus on Christ. I thought, oh this will just be about Bono and all the great work he is doing. All well and good, but why do I need to see it?

So I am going in with a bad attitude about what I am about to be fed, and my overall outlook on life was not great due to the roadblocks we were hitting. I am not proud of this mindset, I am just painting the picture as it was.

Well the video was of the interview of Bono by Bill Hybels. I was humbled and blown away. In one morning God came down and changed my attitude completely, and helped relight the fire under my but to get this off the ground.

This project went from being what I believed to be the right direction for my company to being a passion for me. Shortly after this I tried to find the video online to show a friend. Well I guess a that point there was some wrangling over the fact that their was some concert footage in with the interview. I had forgotten about it. Today I decided to look again and lo and behold, youtube had it.

Here is part one, there are six parts, so just keep following the parts in you tube. It is an awesome interview, and for those that are of the christian persuassion, it really slaps you in the head and says wake up. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did.

Bono Video

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