Amish Family Pantry

Sunday, December 30, 2007

Digg this!

Anyone with an account at please help us out. Log in and digg this article Lancaster Sunday News-'A recipe for Profit Sharing. Thanks in advance.

We have passed 600 jars sold now, the two year mark is fast approaching. Thank you everyone for getting us this far. Together, we are changing the world.

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Back from the Holidays

Well, I slowed down a lot for the holidays because I have 4 kids, and they are the top priority. Sales dropped dramatically, so this clearly has not grown its own legs...yet. We are closing in on two years sponsored. I would love to hit that by the end of the year. That would be really cool.

I have slacked these past 2 weeks on the online marketing. I will resurge this week.

Still waiting on the local paper to run the story they interviewed us for.

Also still looking for other sites/blogs to write articles about us. Anyone interested, let me know, and I will create a back link to you from the project blog.

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Ice Everywhere

Feed Your Family/ Feed the World

Well, slight delay in giving you an update. We were hit by that major ice storm that hit the northeast, and power was out for awhile. We are back on.

I am very happy to report that Ornella is fast closing in on being sponsored for two whole years. She is currently at 508 days sponsored. Please keep up the great work everyone who is joining us on this.

I have added a friends link to honor everyone who has helped promote us on the web. Thank you. If I missed you, or if you just added something, please go to my myspace profile and send me a message. Unless the rest of your site is raunchy, I will be happy to put up a link to you.

Saturday, December 15, 2007

Our First Full Week!

Feed Your Family/ Feed the World

Wow, only one week has passed, and this is amazing. Ornella has now been sponsored by well over a year. It looks very possible that we can reach 2 years by the end of December. How exciting. We are well on the way to changing her life.

Over 260 unique visitors have come to our site, so we are heading in the right direction. Thankyou to Sail For Freedom for mentioning our project, and also to Baby Chaser Blog for mentioning us as well. You both are part of this movement now, and we greatly appreciate it.

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Still in the first week!

Feed Your Family/ Feed the World

Ok, we have now pasted the 2 month mark for Ornella. Please help us out. It would be totally awesome if we could get her sponsored for a year by the end of the year.

Monday, December 10, 2007

The first weekend


So far during our first weekend in existence, our first child up for sponsorship has been sponsored for just under two months. Thanks for the great support from everyone. We are aproaching 150 unique visitors. Please help us in changing the world by visiting the site, and by posting a link to it on your own blog or website.

Sunday, December 9, 2007

The launch!


I told my wife that getting this project off the ground was a little like having a baby. She looked at me like I had three heads. But there is a similarity. First the idea was concieved. Then there is much labor and pain to bring it about, and when it finally launches, there is much excitement. Ok, so there is a little more pain in childbirth.

So far we have had almost 100 visitors to the site, and Ornella is sponsored for 19 days. I can't wait until this takes off and we can increase our impact to hundreds and thousands of kids.

Saturday, December 8, 2007

The Journey- Success

After taking into consideration all these thoughts, I came up with Feedyourfamily/FeedtheWorld. Here is an opportunity for consumers to experience a great product, and at the same time make an impact on the world. Please take a moment to check it out. I am not asking you to change your life, just someone elses.